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riekelib 0.3.2

New features

Minor bug fixes and improvements

  • scale_*_comma() functions now include a parameter for accuracy.
  • theme_rieke() now uses a lighter/less intrusive grid.
  • condition_gaussian_process() no longer throws an error when supplied single values for x and y.

riekelib 0.3.1

New features

Minor bug fixes and improvements

  • theme_rieke() now correctly applies markdown formatting to axis text.
  • theme_rieke() now defaults to Playfair Display as the title family.
  • Package startup messages no longer display in non-interactive settings.

riekelib 0.3.0

New features

Conscious decoupling

Per #22, I’m moving functions that are specific for manipulating Qualtrics survey data for Memorial Hermann into their own package, {heRmann}.

The following functions from riekelib 0.2.0 have been moved:

  • fetch_surveys()
  • deduplicate_ip()
  • fix_survey_names()
  • rnps()
  • qnps()

The following functions were available in riekelib as of 8/22/23, but were removed on 8/23/23.

  • set_recode_path()
  • read_recodes()
  • fix_campus_names()

riekelib 0.2.0

New features

Gaussian process functions

  • cholesky_decompose(): generate the lower triangular Cholesky decomposition of a matrix (consistent with Stan’s implementation).
  • cov_exp_quad(): generate a covariance matrix using the exponentiated quadratic kernel.
  • condition_gaussian_process(): generate new draws from a multivariate normal distribution by conditioning on a Gaussian Process.

ggplot2 functions

Minor bug fixes and improvements

  • ggquicksave() now uses ragg by default.
  • theme_rieke() now uses the fonts Tiempos Text and IBM Plex Sans for the title and other text, respectively, by default.
  • Where applicable, functions now use the .data pronoun from rlang. This removes the need for globals.R.

riekelib 0.1.0

A collection of functions I use regularly: