Machine go brrrrr

Statistics is easy if you let the computer do all the work

Mark Rieke


Who took stats?

Who liked stats?

Most stats courses look like this

This sucks

  • Just checking a box
  • Classroom examples vs real-world data
  • Easy to mess up!

What works better?


How can we use simulation for statistics?

  • Frame question in terms of a process
  • Use random number generators to generate an answer
  • Do this a bunch of times (machine go brrrrr)
  • Quantify uncertainty

Example: weighting surveys

An example pre-election survey
Proportion of each subgroup that support the democratic candidate
party gender population K Y group mean sample proportion weight
Democrat Women 28% 237 229 97% 34% 0.83
Democrat Men 22% 178 160 90% 25% 0.87
Republican Women 25% 161 18 11% 23% 1.09
Republican Men 25% 124 4 3% 18% 1.41
  • Respondent preference varies by subgroup
  • Response rate varies by subgroup
  • Need to weight responses to make our sample representative of the population
  • Weighted mean is easy!
  • Uncertainty around the weighted mean is hard! (analytically)

Example: weighting surveys

Example: weighting surveys

Example: weighting surveys

Example: weighting surveys

model {
  Y ~ binomial(K, theta);
  wt_mean = sum(theta * wt * K) / sum(wt * K);

Example: weighting surveys

model {
  Y ~ binomial(K, theta);
  wt_mean = sum(theta * wt * K) / sum(wt * K);

Example: weighting surveys

model {
  Y ~ binomial(K, theta);
  wt_mean = sum(theta * wt * K) / sum(wt * K);

In conclusion

  • Simulation makes statistics easy
  • This lets you focus on your research question
  • Simulation keeps statistics fun :)


Resources & whatnot

  • McElreath, Richard. Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan. 2nd Edition. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 2018.
  • Wickham, Hadley, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, and Garrett Grolemund. R for Data Science: Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and Model Data. 2nd Edition. O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2023.

Code and slides for this presentation can be found on github.